A video hosting service refers to a website or software where users can distribute their video clips. Some services may charge, others offer their services for free. Many servers have a choice of private and public distribution. The video that is shared can be classified into several categories, the user can share the video with another website, the video distribution platform and correct the video on the Internet. Note that the only websites that are search engines and do not provide accommodation for videos (like Yahoo! Video Search) are not included in this article.
1. 56.com

56.com is one of China’s largest video-sharing sites. 56.com is born in April 2005, that started the video-sharing since October 2005. In August 2007, 3.2 million visitors annually by 2008. According to a survey of one hundred degrees, in the popular video-sharing sites in China is ranked, followed by a two-network (beans Sat) Tudou.
2. Afreeca

African private broadcasting (afreeca) NOWCOM operating in the broadcasting service on the Internet the private broadcasting.
3. AniBOOM

Aniboom animation is a site that offers a collection of short films and animations, cartoon, animation tools (like ShapeShifter), and competitions. Registered users can submit animated films, which are then classified according to type. Users are able to evaluate videos by giving them a series of “bombs” and post comments. Videos can be e-mailed a friend, posted on a blog or social network profile page, or added to your favorites. The users are given “BoomZones”, or profile pages, in which to display your videos. Unlike most video sharing sites, resources aniBOOM primarily for professional or semi-professional entertainers, and offers syndication and / or production agreements, whether on television or the web, popular for submission. Non-animators can also submit ideas for the site for other animators to complete. While most of the content presented is original, some of the content aniBOOM can be found on other video sharing sites.
4. Blip

Blip.tv is a video sharing site designed for creators of user-generated content. blip.tv provides content creators free web hosting video, supports a wide variety of video formats, offers distribution using technologies such as RSS and content management by episodes. The company was founded in 2005, is located in New York, and is funded by Bain Capital Ventures and Canaan Partners. The site has been blocked by China and Turkey, in July 2007 and April 2011 respectively.
5. BlogTV

BlogTV – popular platform video chat service started in 2006. Registered users are allowed to create their own broadcast live on your page and communicate with visitors in the chat. In addition, the host can offer one of the visitors to join videoefiru, becoming co-host. Participants site can provide benefits. There are general accounts, PRO-accounts and is such a thing as a guest – a registered user, you can participate in the chat bar, if not forbidden by air this setting.
6. Brainpop

BrainPOP (English: BrainPOP) is a Web site educational displays a wide variety of animated films on the sciences, social sciences, technology, health, music, art, mathematics and geography (added in late 2011 instead of a category of English) that illustrate abstract concepts and natural phenomena different simply and clearly. Submitted videos hosted by Tim and Moby or, more rarely on my hands singing Foundation.On a variety of videos, of which a small number of videos can be viewed without a subscription which can be after payment.
7. Break

Break.com (formerly Big-boys.com) is a humor website founded in 1998 that offers comedy videos, flash games, and pictures among other material. The CEO of Break is Keith Richman. The target audience of the website is men 19 to 35 years.
8. Buzznet

Buzznet is a social network to share videos, photos and publications owned by Buzz Media. Like other social networking sites, Buzznet is a platform for members to share content based on personal interests. Unlike traditional social networking sites that focus primarily on messaging and profile pages, Buzznet members participate in communities that are formed through ideas, events and interests, dominated the music, celebrities and the media.
9. Crackle

Crackle video network is a multi-platform, operated by Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE), which initially was called Grouper.
In January 2004 Grouper Networks, Inc., was founded in San Francisco, Josh Felser, Aviv Eyal, Dave Samuel and Mike Sitrin. The company aimed to promote a new way to share personal media files on the Internet using P2P network technology. The product was launched as a desktop application for the Windows platform in May 2005. The network allowed users to create groups for friends and family members to share personal files such as photos, videos and documents with their groups. The product used p2p technology to create the social network and to allow distribution of an unlimited number of files in small groups.
Grouper was one of the first linked desktop applications that was developed using the platform. NET. It was written in C #. In 2005, Grouper changed its strategy to focus on the use of the Internet to distribute user-generated video. Grouper experienced growth to the extent that popularized the generation of video content Internet users during 2005 and 2006.
10. Dailymotion

Dailymotion is a video hosting service on the Internet, based in Paris, France. Their domain was registered a month after YouTube (but the site opened one month earlier) with gandi.net, a French domain registrar on the Internet, and had at least a server hosted in France with the known extension.
From the February 18, 2008, the website supports content that can be played at 720p in a set of HD, but the bit rate is significantly lower than the 5-9 megabits for expected quality HD.
By January 2008, the site was located at # 38 according to Alexa Internet daily visits, with 26 million visits to Day 3 and 16,000 new videos uploaded daily.
Dailymotion supports and sponsors the nonprofit One Laptop Per Child Dailymotion videos also appear on Google Video.
11. EngageMedia

EngageMedia that begins in March 2005, not-for-profit video sharing site, and free software project. Launched in October 2006, the site of social justice and environmental issues in Australia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific focuses on the video.
In addition to being a video sharing site EngageMedia FOSS video codecs, the purchase and implementation of these so-called Free and Open Plum based on the Plone content management system, including an online video distribution tools and conduct research to develop Source Software.
In June 2006, Forte Prenestino EngageMedia CandidaTV collaborated with social center in Rome to put the transmission. Transmission of online video distribution tools for social justice and media democracy, development, free software developers and video activists became a global meeting.
12. ExpoTV

ExpoTV EXPO or EXPO Communications, Inc., a company run by New York-based platform for a consumer-oriented video. Community members offered by the company’s main web site www.expotv.com features video product reviews as well as “Videopinions” the so-called ‘How to’ videos, video content and market research. As of March 2010 more than 300,000 video site was present. EXPO manufacturer sites, retail web sites and targets a variety of consumer social networking platforms, including 40 million videos viewed these videos on dağıtır.Şirket says. EXPO licensing business model, primarily manufacturers, but also retailers and comparison shopping engines, content and technology içerir.Şirket won several awards for innovation.
13. Funnyordie

Funny or Die is a comedy video website founded in 2006 by the American production company founded by actor Will Ferrell and director Adam McKay, Gary Sanchez Productions.
The idea is to post funny videos, often from television personalities and American cinema, like Charlie Sheen, Patrick Stewart, Daniel Radcliffe, Lindsay Lohan and Jerry Seinfeld.
The first video posted on the site, The Landlord has been viewed more than 77 million times and compares Ferrell to his owner. The public vote by clicking the button Funny (funny) or Die (death).
In 2008, HBO has bought 10% of Funny or Die to create the production company Funny or Die presents.
14. Flickr

Flickr is a website for sharing photos and videos free with paying some features. Besides being a popular website with users to share their personal photos, it is also often used by professional photographers. In August 2011, the site has surpassed the 6 billion photos hosted.
Flickr was developed by Ludicorp, a Canadian company founded in Vancouver in 2002 by Stewart Butterfield and Caterina Fake.
It appeared in February 2004 as a set of tools designed for a multiuser computer game on the Internet: Game Neverending. The game was finally abandoned, but the project survived Flickr.
Early versions of Flickr were based on a chat room for sharing photos. Later versions have focused more on downloading and classification of images.
In March 2005, was bought by Yahoo! Ludicorp. During the week of June 28, all content on Flickr has been transferred from Canadian servers to U.S. servers, which had the implication that its content is now subject to U.S. laws.
In October 2006, the site is in gamma phase. The site housed more than 2 billion photos in November 2007, 3 billion in November 2008, crossed the milestone of 4 billion photos in November 2009, most recently as five billion pictures in September and 2010 since August 2011 the site hosts more 6 billion photos. He had over 54 million unique visitors worldwide (comScore).
15. Fotki

Fotki is a digital photo sharing, video sharing and media social networking web site and web service package, not one of the world’s largest social networking sites. In many ways, site information, such as the use of Ajax, tagging, RSS feeds, social bookmarking, GPS location information and Exif properties of the so-called Web 2.0, a range of support seems to display similar to the majority of other popular photo sites.
Premium Service for digital images (ie, paid) account holders as well as Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia, offers unlimited storage space for free account holders. In addition, blogging (like LiveJournal or Blogger), custom printing online printing prices, and sales offers as well as e-mail and co-branding.
Fotki community tools links (like del.icio.us), as well as recording and editing photos, and folksonomic member search tools, tagging photos and videos, provides a detailed profile.
Fotki, such as Telecom Italia, Alice.it, Sears, Mark Travel, Vegas.com, Funjet.com many other global companies such as, photo-sharing software is licensing
As of January 2011, one billion digital images Fotki 241 countries and hosts over claims that one million 600 thousand registered members. Complete the 1400s by the popularity of this place.
16. Gawkk

Gawkk.com allow people to collect and share videos with friends in a community-based social video sharing site that specializes in. Such as YouTube and Metacafe videos home to gawk instead of directly to any hosting community on the web site created by the public channels of embedded videos değildir.Site Video URL or embed code lists, RSS feeds and user-submission of some web browsing, takes his videos.
Organizes around the channels and members of Gawk videos, a TV show, movie, celebrity, music artist, as a comedian in a particular subject, chronological order relative to group videos, etc. Members can save videos to your own personal video channel you can subscribe to public channels, channels, and follow the other members web service similar to Twitter, follow them back to friends, share it with the recorded videos.
The private company was founded in 2007 by Gary Culliss and Thomas Mango and New York, NY center.
17. Godtube

GodTube.com is a video sharing site geared towards Christianity, it has the same functions as YouTube, but he specializes in videos of Christian themes and seems to win some success on the Internet.
GodTube has been compared to Conservapedia, a Christian conservative encyclopedia opposed to Wikipedia, and MyChurch, a Christian version of MySpace.
18. Hulu

Hulu is a website free video on demand, which also offers video sharing. The site is a joint venture of NBC Universal, News Corp., Providence Equity Partners and The Walt Disney Company.
Providence Equity Partners also invested 100 million U.S. dollars for a 10% stake in the company. The partnership was announced in March 2007 and the name “Hulu” was chosen in late August 2007 when the site was launched.
April 30, 2009, ABC (Disney) announced taking a 27% stake in the company. December 21, 2010, Hulu says it no longer an IPO. April 27, 2012, Disney and News Corp. Announce want to buy the participation of Providence Equity for about $ 200 million.
19. Kaltura

Kaltura has created the first open source platform that allows management of video, and the creation, interaction and collaboration. Kaltura’s platform enables integrated into any website, advanced functionality and interactive rich-media as for example because, searching, uploading, importing, editing, annotating, remixing and division of photographic, video, and audio.
The platform also includes collaboration features that allow users to create groups together, enables publishers to access and syndicate reusable content across Kaltura Network and also have access to video sets as video advertising, video editing and professional printing on DVD.
Kaltura’s open source is free and available for web designers, whether in the form of kit for the creation of platform extensions, either as extension packages or plug-ins ready for use in CMS and blogging sites platforms collaboration as Drupal, WordPress and MediaWiki.
20. Lafango

Lafango (audio, video, image and text) unlimited media users, create a profile that allows you to upload and share a social media web sites, are competing to create free electronic press kit, and blogs, communities, user generated communication. TalentTrove on the basis of his earlier idea of the website only, not for the adoption of technology and to watch out for in 2009 was elected one of the top 10 internet companies. This is a complete multimedia platform for talent and talent seekers, and serves as a like-minded individuals to share and grow to provide an artistic community.
Lafango the original media, has a content created by the user. Users only need to witness to their environments by creating and sharing social networking sites to install the media devotes the other.
21. Liveleak

LiveLeak is a website that allows users to publish video files. Service focuses on the presentation of current events, political content and footage from the war regions of the world. Page created October 31, 2006. The founder was a team of artists hand Ogrish.com, whose main task was to show the power of citizen journalism.
The service is a special tab “Your Say”, where users upload their own videos, just like the video blog. These recordings relate to, among others politics, religion, and are known to conduct debates.
22. Mail.ru

Mail.ru is the largest free e-mail service also providing video service like sharing uploading and more.
23. MaYoMo

News video-sharing sites originated by the user who listed based on the “citizen journalism” MaYoMo, the video is possible. Was started officially in October 2009.
MaYoMo is based in Amsterdam North Holland Netherlands, operated by MaYoMo BV.
The user at the same time If you post as a movie a variety of information news and a variety of what is happening in many parts of the world, you can use the API provided by the MaYoMo, to retrieve and display the location information on the interactive world map (called Geolocation) , can be shown on that video event, or when, which occurred in the region of the world.
Users are submitted with respect to news, it is possible to comment or to give them rankings.
24. Mefeedia

Focus on Mefeedia are humorous and high-quality video and other content for a primarily male audience. Mefeedia Video sorted by categories such as TV, movies, sports, celebrities, news and entertainment. Every day about 30 new videos are added, in general, new clips from around the world. The site also includes television clips and other virals created for marketing purposes.
Mefeedia itself does not allow video upload but aggregated over 20,000 videos of other video sites and vlogs. By submitting RSS feeds videos can be added automatically to the index.
In March 2009, was one of the most visited Mefeedia Top 750 Sites of the United States. The site reaches a monthly audience of more than 6.8 million unique visits worldwide. Owner of the website is Beachfront Media LLC.
25. Metacafe

Metacafe is a website to share digital videos on the Internet. Metacafe offers a desktop application, intended primarily for users who are “video addicts” and download many videos each week. The desktop application is capable of downloading high quality videos to local computer while it is idle. Metacafe features user generated videos, funny videos, Internet videos and viral ads as well as sports and news. Some of the other features on the site include flash games and sound clips.
26. Mevio

MEVIO Inc., is an American entertainment of the Internet, whose properties include PodShow +, PodShow Podcast Network, PodShowPDN, Podcast Alley, CastBlaster the Podsafe Music Network and BT PodShow. The network has acted both as an index for the listeners of podcasts as a tool for podcasters to publish their content, communicate with their listeners and legally access and play music in their performances, but as of July 2008 the ‘company decided to focus more on video distribution.
mevio.com, the leading brand of PodShow Inc., is a social networking site, podcast directories, podcast distribution network and music store.
27. Mobento

Mobento is a video community that actually offers a learning platform, turbo-charged with a “spoken word” research. The videos created on this website are taken from the best institutions, educators and presenters, these schools are from Stanford, Yale, Khan Academy and TED. From this moment the website has a total of a few hundreds of videos, the site map on how to add more educational video. Mobento wishes for the future are to use more technology for educational purposes, with the use of video technology and strong research to help students find the information they are looking for faster.
Mobento is a video streaming service and research. Mobento focuses on three areas:
28. Myspace

In early 2007, MySpace introduced MySpaceTV, a service similar to the video sharing website YouTube. Myspace has shown the videos in 2006, but changed its name to MySpaceTV for a while ‘. In 2009, she returned to MySpaceTV Videos Myspace again. MySpace Video continues to be not as popular as other video sharing sites like YouTube, but many sites have partnered with MySpace, Hulu as a means to further their own MySpace communities.
29. MyVideo
MyVideo.de [maɪ’vɪdɪəʊ] is a video portal the company MyVideo Broadband SRL based in Bucharest, which was founded in April 2006.
Users have access to over 3.8 million music videos, premium content, exclusive web TV productions, TV shows, movies and user-generated clips. In MyVideo.de community profiles can be created for networking and exchanging content. Hand-rolled videos can be uploaded and shared with other users. The contents can also be used on other websites and distributed via hyperlinks or embedding.
30. Nico Nico Douga

Smiling Video (Video smile), the video-sharing services that are provided by Dwango. Such as “smiling” “Nico Nico” nicknamed. That provide services to mobile handsets as “mobile video smiling.”
The characteristics of the video smiling is a comment feature that can display a user posted a comment on the duration of the specific video that is being delivered on the site video distribution, provides a number of features among people and upload a user can exchange Other that.
In the video as well as other video distribution and sharing site, has been delivered is often seen in those that are uploaded without the permission of the copyright holder, it becomes a problem when. On the other hand, gain popularity, such as video has been produced elaborately high, coupled with unique commenting system, but have built a unique culture.
Good Design Award 2007. 2007 Grand Prize Award geek geek in Japan. In 2008 has been awarded a Prix Ars Electronica award honors department from Ars Electronica digital communities.
The service is started as a service to pre-open experiment on December 12, 2006, along with the transition to β version on January 15, 2007, that the yuan is Niwango operation was revealed for the first time. Committee smile spread has announced on June 1, 2007 in, basic principles have been clarified “(tentative title) declaration smiling.”
31. OneWorldTV

OneWorldTV is a website server type video distribution deals with non-profit Internet portal Tv.Oneworld.net. OneWorldTV was established in 2001 to provide a better understanding of the world about the use of films, documentaries and videos. OneWorldTV was one of the first Internet video servers, initiating the concept of a free press giving the user the ability to upload their own movies and video clips directly to the site.
In June 2008 OneWorldTV was relaunched. With the new site there is still the ability to upload videos, but now the user has the ability to “recommend” or to fit the videos elsewhere.
32. Openfilm

Openfilm is a website specialized in presenting high quality short films. There are live-action films as well as animated shorts and web series presented in high resolution. Openfilm.com was launched publicly in July 2008. The company headquarters is in North Miami (Florida). EE. States.
33. Ourmedia

Ourmedia is an internet project, as the digital archive in collaboration with the Internet Archive lasting memory for text, images, audio files, videos, and provides other media in digital form. The site was on 21 Opened in March 2005.
Ourmedia sees itself as a creative platform and open-source project, which will make it possible to improve existing content (“Mix-platform”). A similar project is Wikimedia Commons.
The focus is on free content, but there are also other copyrighted content recorded. Not included is pornography. Founder of Ourmedia.org Marc Canter and JD Lasica are. For Angela Beesley Advisory Board, among other things include (Wikimedia Foundation), Lawrence Lessig (Creative Commons) and Brewster Kahle (Internet Archive).
34. Panopto

Panopto is a software company that allows you to record in conference, screencasting, video streaming and video content management software, which is often used in e-learning environments. The company was founded as a spin at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in 2007 by two of his professors, William Guttman (current Executive Chairman) and William Scherlis, in addition to the current Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Eric Burns. Malia Spencer According to the Pittsburgh Business Journal, the company is “based on a technology capable of capturing, streaming and archiving of video and other media that are frequently used for presentations, conferences or training.” The company is known as a provider of online technology lesson.
35. Photobucket

Photobucket is usually used for personal photo albums, storage of avatars displayed on Internet forums and video storage. Photobucket is also often used for eBay accounts, MySpace (now corporate cousin), Bebo, Neopets, Facebook, LiveJournals, etc.. Users can keep their albums private, allow password access, or open to the public.
Photobucket has many limitations: It offers 500 MB of free storage (theoretically unlimited with a paid account) free monthly bandwidth of 10GB (100GB were but declined to 25GB in July 2008 and subsequently to 10 GB in 2010) . The uploaded photos must be smaller than 1 MB (unlimited with paid account), uploaded videos should last 5 minutes or less (with 10 minutes, in case it has a paid account).
Since Photobucket does not allow sexually explicit content or may remove content due to violations of its terms.
Photobucket supports FTP uploads, but the user must have paid account. Publisher support Windows XP as an alternative to FTP. This option is also available in free accounts.
37. RuTube

RuTube is a Russian site hosting videos. In 2008, receives about 500,000 hits per day and 40 million videos are viewed each month. According to Gallup, it receives more than 4 million unique visitors each month. The site also transmits multiple channels of TV and radio, and allows users to create and distribute their video-blogs and personal channels.
RuTube provides a variant of videos of all types with a player integrating all information, however, with a long load times and a means of sharing limited. RuTube is particularly known to be less stringent than the withdrawal of Youtube videos.
38. Sapo Videos

SAPO (Portuguese for the frog), “Portuguese Apontadores Server” is a brand and a subsidiary of the telecommunications group in Portugal. Is a provider of Internet sevicos Portuguese began as a search engine when it was founded in 1995. On March 28, 2006, Sapo XL was launched: a project for broadband content, in which the main content is videos, on-line television transmission and real-time transmission of events.
39. SchoolTube

SchoolTube is a consumer media company dedicated to supporting companies and educational information for students to be able to upload, view and share video clips and even broadcast live educational subjects worldwide on the Internet. This site is available in 50 states, as in Washington, DC and the world of school systems, U.S. wife. As according to Carl Arizpe is the founder and president said that the task is to teach and empower teachers and students alike, using a secure method and the active construction and publication on the Internet. “SchoolTube is the only Publisher Video Internet for teachers and students that combines dynamic curriculum and community outreach programs, “said Arizpe. “All videos must be approved by registered teachers, follow local school guidelines and abide by the Code of Ethics STN.” Business SchoolTube with STN influence a national broadcast journalism educators and students. Using this original partnership, SchoolTube provides new material for schools and instructors associated with a single mouse click.
40. ScienceStage

Science Days is a global science-based multimedia portal with a focus on online video streaming. It aims to support communication between scientists and practitioners. In addition, using high-school teachers, practitioners, students and people interested in science, the Web site as a virtual research, teaching and training resources. The video contents mainly include conference recordings, interviews, documentaries, tutorials and webinars.
Science days sees itself as a “hub” (interface) for research, teaching and research industry. In this sense, it creates a meta-level, both the users and user groups as well as multimedia content (video, audio, documents, links and documents) related. So shall academics from science and practice an effective and integrated multi-media social-networked working level are provided. In 2010, science days for the first time official media partner of the World Health Summit.
41. Sevenload

Sevenload is a free platform for managing multimedia content on the Internet. On sevenload can add videos, and pictures uploaded, indexed, protected, comments, and organized into albums with friends and the web community are shared and exchanged. Besides the user-generated content to sevenload users, in cooperation with numerous production companies and record labels, TV content and a variety of music videos. In the TV sector cooperates sevenload e.g. with National Geographic, Deutsche Welle and DMAX. Universal Music and Sony Music Channels show in their current and older music videos. Currently there are 22 country portals in 12 languages.
The company appears next to the character of a Web 2.0 platform to understand itself as a “Social Video Network” in the field of Web-TV, as well as technology service providers: So for companies like BMW and Grundy UFA own video portals have been developed.
42. SmugMug

Chris MacAskill (father) and Don MacAskill (son) started the original company to build a new game-oriented web video service in February 2002. By August 2002, however, their focus has shifted. A small portion of their website the video game has been spun into a video and photo sharing service called SmugMug, which launched in November 2002. The feeding member can upload unlimited video in Full HD (up to 1080p quality and 20 minutes in length). The maximum file size allowed for each video is 3GB.
43. Telly

A US award for non-network TV commercials and programs, and for non-broadcast videos. Features entering information.
44. Trilulilu

Trilulilu Romanian is a website that, unlike YouTube, not only for uploading video files, allows uploading files such as audio and images. In August 2010, Trilulilu was the second site in Romania the number of hits (after Hi5).
45. Tudou

Tudou is one of the largest Internet video portals in China. The page was on 15 April 2005 online and had in September 2007, a streaming volume of over 55 million videos per day.
Tudou claims to be one of the largest bandwidth consumer in general. Each day will be streamed via the side more than a petabyte of over 7 million users. Although more are on Youtube videos per day to retrieve, but since the average length of the videos on Tudou is greater, Tudou streams with 15 million minutes a day significantly longer than Youtube (3 million minutes).
46. Twitvid

Twitvid is the fastest and easiest way to share your videos on Twitter!
47. Vbox7

Vbox7.com (pronounced “box you seven”) is a Bulgarian site for sharing short video clips similar to the famous internet site YouTube. According Tyxo counter is one of the most visited Bulgarian in Internet. The site opened on July 30, 2006 and officially launched on 2 August 2006. As of July 2008 is visited by over 200,000 people daily. In 2007 was purchased from NetInfo.
48. Veoh

Veoh is a company based in San Diego, California who owns a virtual database of video clips.
Different distribution from other sites like YouTube, the company distributes video in its original format, without transforming or remove quality when they are uploaded to the web. Because of this technology, software is required to download videos from the page, or see them in their original quality online. The site also offers a video player in Adobe Flash as well as its rival YouTube, so you can see the videos without having to download additional software.
The company received media attention after Michael Eisner, former Disney Pictures-entrepreneur to join the ambitious project. By April 2006, he was one of the investors along with AOL Time-Warner in the second round of 12.5 million U.S. dollars to finance Veoh.
49. Viddler

Viddler is an interactive online video platform (OVP) for uploading, sharing, enhancing, tagging, commenting, and forming groups around videos. Viddler does not offer a free service for non-commercial users, and now requires all users to choose one of three options paid plan. Service fee includes support, a customizable player, the ability to create a private community, detailed analysis, priority encoding, HD encoding, support for iTunes, branding and control over advertising, including a revenue-sharing option.
50. Videojug

Videojug is an instructional video website, launched as a beta online in 2006.Ang website provides both professionally produced video made inside, as well as editorially selected some quality videos made by amateurs. The company originally made the video in Spain and London and in 2006 opened studios in Santa Monica (Los Angeles) in the USA. During 2007 the company claimed to be producing up to 800 videos each week. As of January 2012, the company is based near Kings Cross in London.
The website was founded by David Tabizel with positions in management or founded several companies before VideoJug. Among the other founders Dan Thompson, who had previously been CEO of 365 Software Corporation and perverse as well as Hans Stocker Durlacher Corporation and Rupert Ashe (CEO Focus Communications). During 2007, Videojug raised approximately $ 30 million in funding.
51. Videolog

VideoLog is a video sharing portal in Brazil. Created in May 2004 by Ariel Alexandre and Edson Mackeenzy, became one of the largest sites of its kind in the country.
52. Vidyard

Vidyard is a video marketing platform that hosts and analyzes video for businesses, consumer brands, and content producers. Videos which are uploaded are converted to become compatible with a wide-range of browsers and devices, and Vidard offers a variety of tools to check and promote the engagement and performance of the video.
53. Vimeo

Vimeo is a social network based Internet video, released in November 2004 by the company InterActiveCorp (IAC). The place to share and store digital video for users to comment on the page each. Users must be registered to upload videos, create your profile, upload avatars, comment and create playlists of favorites.
Vimeo does not support TV commercials, game shows, pornography or any content that has been created by the user. The site also has earned a reputation as “image provider” for various artists, due to the high bit rate and resolution of your videos. Since October 2007, Vimeo offers an option for high-definition video.
54. Vzaar

vzaar is an online video for commerce site which launched in 2007. The site supports video streaming, embedding, sharing and video storage. Originally targeted at eBay sellers, the service now provides online video services to other commercial operations.
55. Wildscreen

Wildscreen.tv is a free video sharing website and social-media network that allows users to upload self-generated video content. Wildscreen is designed as an alternative to Youtube in that independent film makers, musicians, and other artists can monetize the content they produce. Users own and customize their own channels for their video content, and they receive the ad revenue from advertising on their channel. Uploading of content is unlimited, and users have access to a media player that is embeddable on other web pages.
56. Wistia

Wistia is an internet video company that was founded in April 2006 by Brown University graduates Chris Savage and Brendan Schwartz. Its aim was to help filmmakers collaborate remotely online. The company developed applications to help companies track the ways consumers watch, use and interact with online videos. It provides hosting, managing, and tracking of video statistics for businesses and website owners.
57. Yahoo! Video

Yahoo! Video is a video hosting service where users can upload and share videos. The service was created and is owned by Yahoo!. Yahoo! Video began as a search engine in Internet video and added the ability to upload videos in June 2006. The entire site was redesigned and launched in February 2008 and changed its focus to video hosting specifically. Currently the site consolidates the best videos of Yahoo! that have been uploaded by users.
The free service allows users to search and view videos, save videos as favorites, feeds subscriptions, create playlists and embed videos in web pages and blog posts. The home page contains video highlights from the publisher that is renewed daily.
Yahoo! Video accepts video formats WMV, ASF, QT, MOD, MOV, MPG, 3GP, 3GP2 or AVI. The videos are displayed in flash on a scale of 16:9 by default. StupidVideos, the onion and JibJab have a business relationship with Yahoo! Video to a qualified network on the site.
58. Youku

Youku was created by Victor Koo, former President of Sohu. A beta version was released in June 2006 and the website was officially launched in December 2006. In 2007, the company received $ 25 million in venture capital funds. Youku.com was ranked No. 1 in the Chinese video sharing sector by China Internet Society, iResearch and Baidu User Index. In 2008, Youku has partnered with MySpace in China. In that year, Youku became the sole provider of integrated online video in the Chinese edition of the popular web browser Mozilla Firefox. Youku has worked with International Linkool, Youku, Baidu, Sina and music, and has an iPhone application.
59. YouTube

YouTube is a website where users can upload videos, share, and watch. YouTube was founded by three former PayPal employees, Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Karim jawed 2005th in February. Site work began to 14th February. 2006th November is a YouTube-owner Google Inc.., LLC, which bought YouTube for $ 1.65 billion, as we have seen since Google’s YouTube subsidiary.
Company located in San Brunos California. User-generated videos using Adobe Flash to view video and HTML5. YouTube has a wide selection of video content, including movie clips, TV shows, fragments, music videos, amateur video blogs and more. The majority of YouTube content is uploaded by individuals, although the YouTube partnership offer their materials to the media corporations (such as CBS, BBC, and Hulu VEVO), and other organizations.
Unregistered users can only view the videos, registered users can upload unlimited number of videos. Dangerous for the content of the videos are only available for at least 18 years of age to registered users.
60. Zoopy

Zoopy is a South African social media network that enables users to videos, photos, audio and notes on downloading and sharing. Uploaded material appears under each user’s unique profile. Users can file up to as large as 200 MB of upload and content, according Zoopy.com, stored on every continent, including that resulting in South Africa after the site exceeded their monthly international bandwydtetoelating still Zoopy.com visit, if their internet package for local internetbandwydte provide.
Zoopy on March 5, 2007 launched. In December 2007, at Nokia site as their streeksbeeldingsvenoot South Africa elected in June 2008, South Africa’s largest mobile telecommunications network, Vodacom, substantial investment in Zoopy made.
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